ELD Association

Instructor in the Spotlight – Debz Rosser

I'm Debz/Debbie. I first got into line dancing about 20 years ago. I wanted to start some years earlier than that, but signed up to a class that fitted with my schedule not my ability and was turned away by a teacher who said "I can't cope with beginners at this time of night". I wonder if she's still teaching now...?
I later found a class that would not only teach me to dance, but quickly recognised my ability and asked me to learn to teach. To be honest, until I stood in that class in March 2003, I never really knew what I wanted to do. I had always wanted to dance, but I'm not built as a traditional dancer and my parents could never have afforded dance classes in the way lots of children attend them now.
It was difficult standing up in front of people who had been line dancing for years, when I had been dancing only a year or so. But teaching line dancing has been my sanity saver over many years and I hope it will continue to be so. I've made so many friends and helped those friends make lifelong connections that wouldn't have happened without our classes. You know you're doing something right when you turn up at an event and your class members tell you there's no room for you on their table!
When Clive (aka Doc) and I first got together in 2009, I insisted that I wanted dance to be part of our life. I was prepared for it not to be line dancing, but he found some lessons and quickly became really enthusiastic. Unfortunately, due to health issues, he's now more enthusiastic about his music than his dancing, but he'll still come along to the odd event. Sadly, I'm teaching on my own now, but for many years, we were a team and it worked very well, especially when we had new beginners.
When I'm not dancing, I like to run, read and drink wine - not all at the same time!
My class is in Manselton Community Centre, Swansea. We're every Thursday from 6-9pm, beginners through to Intermediate.  I took over this class 10 years ago from another teacher who wanted to retire.  Although  I now have only 2 of the original 15 dancers we inherited, the numbers, and the atmosphere, are still as strong as ever. It has always been a really friendly place. Everyone is made welcome and that included Clive and I when we first started teaching there in 2012.  I can see people making friends, having fun together and supporting each other (and me) through difficult times. I honestly believe in the power of line dance to build true friendships. My class isn't about making money, it's about making connections, friendships, using dance as a common bond to get out, meet people, have a laugh and enjoy ourselves, and maybe get a little exercise along the way.
My favourite dancing memories - The best is teaching on the beach in Greece in September 2020. I hadn't taught in person for 8 months and to be able to call a wall "Corfu" was incredible. Another one that still makes me smile is the Linedancer Magazine cruise we went on, when the sea got a bit choppy and our grapevines just went on and on across the floor as the ship listed in that direction. We ended up dancing in chairs for safety. But all the dances and tracks bring back lovely memories of the times and places we danced them and people we danced them with.
Any dances I'd like to share - omg, Clive is a superb choreographer! It's such a shame some little gems go unnoticed. Please, look up Best Medication, what a stunning piece of choreography. Or East Coast Run, or Dancing with Kylie. I could go on......
2023? There are no big plans at the moment, just to keep on doing what works and hope that the class goes from strength to strength.  I love that I have found something I genuinely feel I am good at and that helps make life a little better for others. I always come home from class as uplifted by my dancers as they are by the class. They are incredible! I've got a new little group who are booked for an ELD event next Spring, they have no idea what they've let themselves in for, but they are going out to socials and enjoying everything line dancing has to offer. And it offers so much!

January 2023

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